CE Classes – Are They Really Important?

CE (Continuing Education) classes. Everyone has to deal with them, and everyone has grumbled about them a time or two. It’s understandable and relatable! You’ve done the work, why do MORE work just to keep your license? Well, in short, things change. We live in a world where laws, policies, theories, opinions all change! And having access to the most up-to-date information is important. And so, CE Classes are important.

CE classes are not just for the licensed, though If you have an Insurance license or a Real Estate license, you are required by the state to take them. There is a set amount of hours for each professional that are required, but in general, everyone has to take 12-24 hours of CE classes, every two years. There are exceptions, of course, so take care to make sure you are paying attention to how many hours you need.

Now, you could go online and pay for these required CE classes, but why not trust in those who you already know and trust? Metro Title & Escrow has all sorts of CE Classes for everyone to take. We try our best to make these classes worth your time and effort while making them a fun opportunity to get out and socialize. We have licensed professionals with hands-on and real-world experience teaching the courses so that you can rest assured you’re getting the most up-to-date information.

As easy as it is to ignore the CE requirements, these courses are also a great opportunity to gain a better understanding of the market and can be an effective practice for you to master your skills and to interact with your peers.

Metro Title & Escrow has classes set up and ready for you to attend. Whether you prefer to attend in-person or through Zoom, we are here to help! We’ll even report the hours that you attend to the State so that you don’t have to worry about it. Let Metro help you take some hassle and stress out of CE Classes.

Click here for current CE Class offering.